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Tactical Trapping Services

Professional Coyote / Predator, and Beaver Management Company

731 - 415 - 6043


At Tactical Trapping Services, our sole business is predator / beaver management. This means everyday we are learning, studying, analyzing and improving our techniques and strategies. We have developed our programs while working along side with professional biologist, land managers, and other professionals in deer hunting. We want to give you RESULTS.

Without you, our clients, our business would not have seen it this far. Thank you all ! We most certainly take coyote trapping seriously but the satisfaction of our clients is number one priority. We want you to be happy with the results of our programs, we want to see our results helping other portions of your management in reaching theirs. Together, we want to see wildlife reaching its full potential in every way.​


We have been fortunate enough to serve those who have high fences for deer, exotic animals, and even birds. We usually get a call when the client is already suffering losses and needs immediate attention. This is very stressful yet rewarding work that we take a lot of pride in. We hold a good reputation among our clients in resolving the matter very fast. We have dealt with situations where it was one coyote, and many coyotes that where responsible for the killing. 

Along with the immediate service, we also offer to set up perimeters around the fences and do annual management for some. This includes the initial predator clean-up, then coming in on a maintenance schedule and locating surrounding family groups and best generic levitra overnight removing them (as long as the client owns the property or can get us permission to control the area surrounding them). We can also keep the area setup year round if the client has someone available to check the traps within the state law requirements.

Whatever your prednisone needs may be, rest assured that if you are one of our clients - We will be doing everything possible to get the results you desire. Our success and even our existence as a company, depends on our ability to make your efforts more successful.

We always ask for anyone who might be interested in our services to do some evaluation of their scenario. For instance,

-- Do you see predators on your game cameras?

-- An abundance of predator tracks or scat?

-- Lots of coyote vocals heard?

If you think that you may be interested in becoming one of our valued clients - give us a call, use the contact us page, or email us directly. ( 731-415-6043 [email protected] )

We can discuss and further evaluate what program you may need. We only ask for our clients to do this evaluation because it does tadalafil overnight delivery canada us nor our clients any good if we go somewhere that will not see results from our programs.





We are proud to say that we support the Quality Deer Management Assoc. ( QDMA )

Here is one of our recent predator

control projects we worked on for 

The Southern Land Brokers.

Click Here To See Results